

ABERVIAN has participated in the Aid Program for the program to promote the permanent hiring of qualified people, through which they have received the following subsidies:

  • File ECOGJU/2021/12/12: 23.940€
  • File ECOGJU/2022/22/12: 25.200€

These grants are awarded by the Valencian Employment and Training Service and are intended to encourage the initial full-time indefinite hiring of qualified young people, who are registered as beneficiaries in the file of the National Youth Guarantee System.

ABERVIAN has been selected to receive financial support from IVACE and FEDER funds within the ASESORA-CV program, file iMACEI/2020/22. Thanks to this, it has been able to achieve market validation of the set of disruptive technological services. This advice provided by Innobooster has focused mainly on the commercial, marketing and product strategy areas.